Based on February 9, 2014 The decision and the statute of the federation can become the member of the federation at the age of 18 years by a natural or legal person. It is required to write a request, to comply with federation’s articles of association and code of conduct, to pay membership fees annually. We invite you not to discuss too much and join now or before the first federation competition.


From 2018, an entry fee for the federation came into effect – € 25 (twenty five euros). This tax does not apply to persons under the age of 21 years and those belonging to the Lithuanian Combined Combat Hunting Federation. New members also have to pay a membership fee of 25 euros (twenty five euros). The fee can be paid to the federation account at SEB Bank: LT177044060004859298, the federation code is 300105716.


1) Fors A, B and C mastering groups membership annual fee from 2018 is 50 euros and for D group is 25 euros.
This fee does not apply to persons under 21 years of age and applies a 50% discount to the Lithuanian Combined Combat Hunting Federation if they pay the full membership fee.

In addition to the rights and obligations provided for in the statutes, members receive all the concessions granted to federation members by companies and organizations. Only members of the federation in the Republican competitions are ranked.

The fee can be paid to the federation account at SEB Bank: LT177044060004859298, the federation code is 300105716.

2) A legal entity, a company or organization, pays a membership fee of € 100 per year. Members of the Federation have the right to advertise freely on the federation’s website, with the prior consent of the competition, to be included in the federation’s race calendar. Organizers who have received federal approval for one or another competition (organized by the federation, i.e., cup stages, championships, etc.), are required to pay a federation of € 6 for each participant’s start fee, one day event or 10 € for a two day event. An advertising fee (banner) at website an annual fee of € 100.

If paying for more people, it is desirable to record this in the payment order. A photo is needed only when a member wants to receive a membership certificate from a federation. A federation member certificate is issued on request for an additional fee of 10 euros.


Please take me to the Lithuanian Sporting Federation.

I am aware of and agree to comply with the federation's Code of Conduct and the rules for the safe handling of guns.